
2. “Villa triste” or "The Villa of Sadness" by Patrick Modiano.

A) Synopsis of the story: The story begins by describing some events of the last day o f the life of 37-year-old French doctor, René Med, before he committed suicide in his villa the same night. The narrator, describing moments of this doctor's day, remembers how he met him and his beautiful friend, the budding actress Yvonne Zacket, who was meant to become his great lover of that summer. The author's summer relationship with Yvonne is literally portrayed as a beautiful dream. His discourse is very descriptive and lyrical, thus conveying to the reader a great deal of his feelings and experiences. B) The Benefits of the Book: The book is enjoyed more by readers who love extended descriptions and highly artistic speech. Undoubtedly, the author has the gift, through his crafty writing, of conveying images and emotions almost identical to the mind and soul of the reader. This book is likely to be loved by more than average readers. C) The Disadvantages of the Book: Someone who

1. “Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and his years of Pilgrimage” by Haruki Murakami

“The colorless” was written by the Japanese writer Haruki Murakami, who was proposed for the Literature Nobel Prize in the past. This is not his first book that I have ever read. a) Summary of the story: A 19 year old Japanese man, student of civil engineering in Tokyo, is total ly depressed after his four best friends decide mysteriously to keep him away from their lives from now on. Finally he manages to survive from the extremely deep depression but the wound in his soul never leaves. When he becomes 36, his current girlfriend, Sarah, makes him try to find out that important truth of his past, so as he to be free to continue his life without the heavy weigh in his soul that was caused by the abandonment. a) Its advantages according my opinion: Its plot is interesting. It makes the reader want to find out the truths that will be revealed as he goes on reading. Generally it is a story that bases its interest on the plot and not in detailed, lyric descriptions. b) Its disadva