
Showing posts with the label BOOKS

10. «Σύντομο γράμμα για ένα μεγάλο αποχαιρετισμό» του Πέτερ Χάντκε. - 10. "Short letter, long farewell" by Peter Hadke.

  For english, please, scroll down. :)  10) «Σύντομο γράμμα για ένα μεγάλο αποχαιρετισμό» του Πέτερ Χάντκε. Α) Η Υπόθεση του βιβλίου: Το μυθιστόρημα αυτό του νομπελίστα Αυστριακού συγγραφέα, Πέτερ Χάντκε, αναφέρεται στις πρώτες ημέρες της ζωής του μετά το χωρισμό του από τη σύζυγό του, Τζούντιθ, που έλαβε χώρα όταν εκείνος ήταν περίπου 30 ετών. Οι ημέρες αυτές ταυτίζονται με εκείνες του ταξιδιού του συγγραφέα από τη την ανατολική   ως την δυτική ακτή των ΗΠΑ. Στην ανατολική ακτή, στη Βοστώνη, λαμβάνει χώρα ο χωρισμός του. Από εκεί κι έπειτα μεσολαβούν μια σειρά ταξιδιωτικών εμπειριών και παράλληλα ψυχολογικών μεταπτώσεων και σκέψεων που τον οδηγούν από το επίπονο «πριν» του τέλους της συζυγικής ζωής του στο γαλήνιο «μετά» της συμφιλίωσης με την νέα κατάσταση. Στη διάρκεια της πορείας από τη Βοστώνη ως το Μπελ Αιρ ο αφηγητής βιώνει διαδοχικά μοναξιά, προβληματισμό, φόβο, νέα ερωτική παρέα, συντροφικότητα, διασκέδαση, χαλάρωση και τέλος, την κατάκτηση της γαλήνης και την ψύχραιμη α

9. «Γκέρτρουντ Μπέλ – Μια γυναίκα στην Αραβία» της Τζορτζίνα Χάουελ / 9. "Gertrude Bell - A Woman in Arabia" by Georgina Howell

  For english, please scroll down. :)  «Γκέρτρουντ Μπέλ – Μια γυναίκα στην Αραβία» της Τζορτζίνα Χάουελ Α) Η Υπόθεση του βιβλίου: Το συγκεκριμένο βιβλίο πραγματεύεται τη ζωή μιας Βρετανίδας, της Γκέρτρουντ Μπελ, που έζησε από το 1868 ως το 1926. Πρόκειται για ένα πολύ όμορφο κι ενδιαφέρον βιογραφικό μυθιστόρημα. Η Γκέρτρουντ υπήρξε γόνος εύπορης αριστοκρατικής οικογένειας της Μεγάλης Βρετανίας. Είχε ζωηρή, δραστήρια και φιλομαθή προσωπικότητα. Σε πολύ νέα ηλικία επισκέφτηκε για πρώτη φορά την Εγγύς Ανατολή και γοητεύτηκε πολύ από αυτή. Μετά από κάποια χρόνια με τα οποία ασχολήθηκε εντατικά με την ορειβασία σε ευρωπαϊκά βουνά, επίκεντρο της ζωής και των δραστηριοτήτων της έγιναν οι περιοχές του αραβικού κόσμου. Περνώντας μεγάλα διαστήματα της ενήλικης ζωής της στις αραβικές χώρες, ένα από τα αρχικά ενδιαφέροντά της εκεί υπήρξαν οι αρχαιολογικές έρευνες και η συγγραφή βιβλίων σχετικών με αυτές. Μάλιστα οι πολυδάπανες αρχαιολογικές αποστολές της χρηματοδοτούταν από την ίδια. Φαίν

7. "The girl on the train" by Paula Hawkins

A) The summary of the book: A very disappointed with her life, a girl, around 30, makes her daily train journey from a suburb to the center of London, pretending every day to her flatmate that she is still working. On her itineraries, at a station where the train always stops for longer, she watches daily a beautiful couple on its balcony, which seems to be ideal. When one day the train girl reads in the news that the girl on the balcony has disappeared, she feels that she can help solve the mystery and so she moves in that direction, finally discovering that the crime that took place is unexpectedly related to her own life of her recent past. B) The advantages of the book: "The Girl on the Train" is a psychological thriller, which may not be considered a masterpiece of world literature but I enjoyed it. It is ideal for carefree company and entertainment without worries during the reader's free time. It is read quickly and easily. It has a very interesting and unexpect

6. "The secret life of plants" by Peter Tompkins and Cristopher Bird

Last month I finished reading a strange book about my tastes, which was about plants. My need to read something about plants for the first time started from the care and observation of two plants that were offered to me as gifts in the last year and a half. The choice of the book by me was random.  I had never heard of this before. However, a relevant documentary from 1979, based on the music of Stevie Wonder, was based on this book. A) The premise of the book: The book summarizes the views of some people on how plants feel in the world, based on the experiments of various researchers, which are described. The book also refers to ecological agriculture. B) The advantages of the book: The truth is that I am not an expert on plants, so I can not judge this book with confidence. I may be wrong but only a few things have satisfied me in this book. Some views on how plants feel the world were interesting, although I felt they were closer to the level of metaphysics than physics. C)

5. "Primeval and Other Times" (Prawiek i inne czasy”) - Olga Tokaczsuk

Yesterday I finished reading another literary book by a Nobel Prize-winning author and in particular Olga Tokarczuk from Poland, who won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature. I could say that this book traveled me pleasantly in older times in northeast Europe, even though many of those times were really bloody periods of Europea n history. The adverb “pleasantly” I used above is due to Olga Tokartsuk's linguistic ability to describe times and events in a calm lyric way. This lyricism softens the description of even the saddest times. So, the theme of this book, is following the story of a Polish village called "Primeval" during the period from the beginning of World War I to the end of the 20th century. This observation takes place through the telling of small stories, characteristic of each of the characters who become the protagonists of the book, who are not other than the inhabitants of the Primeval. The main figures of the literary work, around which the narrative rev

4. “Noch einmal fur Thukydides”, Peter Handke.

This book was written by the Austrian writer recently honored with the Nobel Prize in Literature 2019. It consists of 17 small chapters, in each of which Handke describes in detail something that drew his attention during each of his travels to various countries. A) Its Benefits: First of all it is a book with originality in writing, value that is probably required to win the Nobel Prize. The author is inspired by some utterly insignificant image for the average traveler, observer, reader or writer and focuses on such a detailed description of it that makes it the center of the world. This may be the image of a man in Patras begging his parrot to return to his cage, the trunks of an honey tree in the center of the Munich, a fireball in a man's hand, or a butterfly's flying. Clearly, the author's speech is particularly artful and noteworthy for critics of literature and readers deeply indebted to it. B) Its Disadvantages: I don't know if it could really be described

3. “Badawi. A novel.” By Mohed Altrad.

"Bandawi"  was written by Syrian oil chemist and internationally renowned businessman Mohed Altrad and has autobiographical details. I read it with pleasure and I found it very moving. It describes the struggle of a little Bedouin from the Syrian desert, who lost his mother early and never accepted the love of his grandmother, father and other relatives, to come out victorious in life. From his early childhood he realized that the only way to succeed was school. Despite the lack of understanding and the disagreements of his relative, who were targeting him as a shepherd, the young Bedouin went to the local elementary school and later to a high school in Raka, where he took the final exams and thus obtained a scholarship to study Oil Chemistry in France… So school and hard work helped the little Bedouin rise socially. His militancy and willingness to win were wonderful and worthy of an example of admiration and imitation. But the whole novel is not just about describing the sc

2. “Villa triste” or "The Villa of Sadness" by Patrick Modiano.

A) Synopsis of the story: The story begins by describing some events of the last day o f the life of 37-year-old French doctor, René Med, before he committed suicide in his villa the same night. The narrator, describing moments of this doctor's day, remembers how he met him and his beautiful friend, the budding actress Yvonne Zacket, who was meant to become his great lover of that summer. The author's summer relationship with Yvonne is literally portrayed as a beautiful dream. His discourse is very descriptive and lyrical, thus conveying to the reader a great deal of his feelings and experiences. B) The Benefits of the Book: The book is enjoyed more by readers who love extended descriptions and highly artistic speech. Undoubtedly, the author has the gift, through his crafty writing, of conveying images and emotions almost identical to the mind and soul of the reader. This book is likely to be loved by more than average readers. C) The Disadvantages of the Book: Someone who

1. “Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and his years of Pilgrimage” by Haruki Murakami

“The colorless” was written by the Japanese writer Haruki Murakami, who was proposed for the Literature Nobel Prize in the past. This is not his first book that I have ever read. a) Summary of the story: A 19 year old Japanese man, student of civil engineering in Tokyo, is total ly depressed after his four best friends decide mysteriously to keep him away from their lives from now on. Finally he manages to survive from the extremely deep depression but the wound in his soul never leaves. When he becomes 36, his current girlfriend, Sarah, makes him try to find out that important truth of his past, so as he to be free to continue his life without the heavy weigh in his soul that was caused by the abandonment. a) Its advantages according my opinion: Its plot is interesting. It makes the reader want to find out the truths that will be revealed as he goes on reading. Generally it is a story that bases its interest on the plot and not in detailed, lyric descriptions. b) Its disadva